Hey kitty, kitty.

My boy's family are pretty crazy about ginger cats. Personally i'm not a cat person, but when i saw a photo of his new little kitten Wookie (we are self confessed Star Wars fans) my heart melted. I cannot wait to meet him properly, and will upload a photo as soon as i can. In mean the mean time, this following spread was taken from this week's Stylist magazine, where i interned recently. They say you should never work with animals or children, but a roomful of well-groomed felines, jaw-dropping expensive jewels complete with their own body guard it takes it to another level, no?






These are some of the fiercest felines in town.
You can view the spread here online at Stylist magazine, with its specially designed LFW issue, that houses some great interviews, espesh with Hannah Marshall and Erin O' Connor. 

Post Title : Hey kitty, kitty.

Hey kitty, kitty.,

Hey kitty, kitty.


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