Some body to love.

Tomorrow my beloved blog turns two years of age, it's been quite a journey to say the least, a very enjoyable one at that. I have documented all my ramblings, be that about my life in general, my favourite fashion must-haves, and of course not forgetting about my slightly crazy obsessions, Topshop and disgustingly expensive mascara. Along the way i have interned at many different magazines, my eye-brows have finally grown (yay*) and i seem to even stretched out to wearing a pair of trousers, god forbid. 

And to my delight, i have gathered quite a few readers and made many, many (internet) friends, much to the horror of my real friends, and my nan. Although, it makes me feel truly wonderful to know that other like-minded lovely ladies want to read my rambles, i write this blog for no one but myself. I don't set out to impress, it's just me. I write because i enjoy it and to be honest, there's nothing i love more than writing endlessly about the 'it' hand-bag i so desperately need in my life. 

I'm sorry to say that you won't find the latest churned out press releases here or crazy giveaways, because that really isn't my style. I really hope you understand. And that you stay a little longer to enjoy the ride, and please continue to excuse the god awful photo booth pictures of my mug and messy bed room. :) For i am sure there are many, many rambles of the future waiting to be written.

much love x

* ignore this picture, bastard photobooth!

Post Title : Some body to love.

Some body to love.,

Some body to love.


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