More money, more problems.

This is my face, clearly. You've seen my mug quite a fair few times, though mostly minus my specs - of which have made an appearance on only three posts out of the four hundred and eighteen i have published to date; despite the fact that i actually wear my glasses every single day. 

I've been wearing glasses since school when all the girls in my tutor were going through a phase. I went along with my best friend, who was dying to be part of the crowd, and sadly for her it was i that was branded short-sighted. I started wearing them in class mainly to see the board, but in recent years it has become worse, and more recently i've been wearing them every day. Which i think is rather upsetting to think that your eye sight is continuously going downhill as sad as it sounds. To say wearing my glasses doesn't bother me would be a lie, i continuously take them off if theres a camera near by and only till the woman in Boots last year scoffed at me and asked how on earth did i live my day to day life not wearing them and not hurt myself? Because to tell you the truth, i'm blind as a bat. 

Over the last five years my short-distance eye sight has worsened, not wearing my glasses was somewhat silly, if not a little comical when i completely ignored passers by, literally due to not seeing them. But as mentioned over the last few months i have been wearing them solidly, finally i can actually see the world in all its full glory! Honestly though, i'm not that keen. Its not that i dislike my glasses (they were bloody expensive to say the least), i just hate hiding behind them. As materialistic as it sounds, i spend a small fortune on mascara alone, adoring long lashes as i do i find that they well simply just hide behind my specs, in-fact the glasses gobbles my entire face up with it. It saddens me to think this as i know so many others that look fantastic with glasses and it adds to their 'look' - i just don't see it on myself. They also happen to be a complete nuisance - forget four eyes, when wearing 3D glasses in the cinema i turn into six-eyed nutter, when i sneeze they catapult off my nose into the distance and i also had to wave a sad goodbye to my retro Marc Jacobs sunnies.

In reflection i've grown to love them in a weird and wonderful way, and most of my friends and family are used to seeing me avec glasses. Cue the boy even saying i look 'all squinty' when i take them off, thanks for that - death stare. Despite the fact that yes they do make me look instantly more intelligent and how i can instantly transform into vamped up sexy secretary in less then thirty seconds, i'm starting to feel they are 'me', just an added extension if you please.

  This past couple of weeks i've been looking towards the world of contact lenses. The option of having the best of both worlds, whether i want to bat my eyelashes to the world or create that instant intelligent allure. I'm rather scared, scrap that, petrified of the thought of wearing a lense, but the thought of being glasses free for my holiday and graduation are just far too temping, plus i daresay i do have my eye on a fabulous pair of Ray Bans..

Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? What are your feelings? My mother had laser eye surgery and it changed her life, something i would do in a heart beat, but until the pennies start rolling in i'll stick to my specs.

Post Title : More money, more problems.

More money, more problems.,

More money, more problems.


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