
When it comes to body moisturisers I'm a tough nut to crack, I want good, fast results but in true lazy girl fashion. Since making the beauty-resolution at the beginning of the year to moisturise after a shower every night, I have stuck to it religiously and reaping the rewards of softer skin. Here's hoping my eighty year old self will be impressed with my younger self, and I won't resemble a prune too much. Enter Jergen's new re-designed range..
I was lucky enough to be invited to sample out the entire new range of Jergen's body moisturisers, and I can safely say after two (and a bit) months, I can finally give you the low-down. Having heard rave reviews from across the pond, of whom swear by Jergen's Natural Glow tanner (that typically isn't available here.. just yet), I was certainly intrigued to try. The first thing that immediately caught my eye and garnered my interest was the pump bottle, a simple design that we see everyday passing the shelves in Boots, but on body moisturisers.. not so much. But why the fascination? It is the ultimate lazy girls way to moisturising, simply squirt a pump and your good to go. No dealing with a slippery wet bottle and trying to bang out product from a half used bottle, while you literally freezing your behind off wanting desperately to jump into your jammies..  
 The pump bottle is only available for the Firming and Ultra Healing moisturisers only, which is a shame but I've really fallen for the Firming moisturiser. Sucked in entirely by the design, does the product live up to its expectations? I really can't believe any type of moisturiser will 'firm' your body unfortunately, but it if it improves the 'appearance' then I'll happily give it a whirl (a marketing dream eh?). Moving on the actual formulation, unlike the previous Garnier moisturiser I was using, all the Jergen products perform to a very high level indeed. I want to go to bed moisturised, wake up with my skin feeling soft all day. I want the product to sink in quickly, without feeling heavy on the skin - but still hydrating to the max. I want a light fragrance, nothing nausea inducing (hello Garnier). Does Jergen's tick all these boxes? Yes. For a brand I admittedly never paid any attention to, I'm hooked. Another key product in the range is the Original Beauty Lotion that is sickly sweetly scented with cherry and almonds. I order you all to sniff this product next time you are passing by in Boots and I dare you not to to fall in love with the scent. I scarcely use this dreamy cherry scented moisturiser in fear I may actually lick ones self in public!

Have you ever used Jergens? Am I mad for falling in love with a pump? And more importantly - is Jergen's natural glow coming to the UK... I'm afraid if I told you I would have to kill you.
Post Title : Wannabe




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