Chanel Chance
Chanel Chance is one of my true loves, it's romantic notes settled my love affair with this beautiful empowering, somewhat playful floral scent. If I could bath in it every day, I certainly would. As soon as I smell Chance I instantly feel myself, like it's my very own precious scent. Of course it isn't, as my mother always comments that I practically drown myself in it, well enough to give passersby a good whiff. Religiously spritzing everyday, apart from a few casual flirts with Marc Jacob's Daisy and Balenciaga, I am a true Chance girl.
I recently acquired a bottle of the parfum, as the el de toilet (let's be honest - thats how we all really say it) isn't worth the pennies. However, this bottle didn't cost me a single penny, nope, nada. Pushing my degree to one side, last month I succeeded in fulfilling of one of life's many achievements: saving my sweet, sweet Boots points. Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen I traded in my hard work, those very precious sixty two thousand Boots points for a bottle of Chanel. Even the sales assistant gave me 'in awe' look as processed my sale. Now, can a girl get a celebratory cheer around here please?
What have you purchased with your Boot's points? Are you a saver or a 'sod it i really need..'? What's my secret you ask: going to Boots opticians, Boot's Treat Street and quite literally, hard-core determination.
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